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Pregnancy and parental absence

This page is for you who expects a child while studying, and wants to know more about parental absence. Here, you can read about the difference between parental absence and maternity/paternity leave, and learn who to contact at your study programme.

Pregnancy and parental absence

This page is for you who expects a child while studying, and wants to know more about parental absence. Here, you can read about the difference between parental absence and maternity/paternity leave, and learn who to contact at your study programme.

Good to know

Parental absence vs. leave

It is important to know that there are major differences between parental absence and taking an official leave of absence from your study programme. Both options will be available to you when you expect a child, but consider which option is best for you.

The major difference

The major difference between the two options above is whether or not you want to be an active student or not during your time as a new parent. If your income is based on SU, the choice of leave can have an effect on your economy. 

Please take some time and reflect upon which option suits you best. If you are in doubt, you can reach out to the general student guidance.

Are you resuming your studies after a break?

If you have been gone from your studies for a while, e.g., due to leave of absence, illness or parental absence, it can be helpful to share your thoughts on, what it is like to be back. Therefore, we would like to remind you, that you can always write or book an appointment with the general student guidance, if you would like talk about your transition back to student life.