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Bastian Thoft Holm - ESG Consultant at KPMG Denmark

Bastian Thoft Holm always wanted to work in sustainability and it highly motivates him to know that the work he does is part of creating a more sustainable and ethical future.


Bastian Thoft Holm - ESG Consultant at KPMG Denmark

Bastian Thoft Holm always wanted to work in sustainability and it highly motivates him to know that the work he does is part of creating a more sustainable and ethical future.

About Bastian Thoft Holm

  • Programme at AAU: International Business Communication, English
  • Campus at AAU: CAMPUS Aalborg
  • Year of graduation: 2022
  • Birth year and place: 1995, Aarhus,  Denmark
  • Current employment: ESG Consultant at KPMG Denmark

The article is more than 30 days old and reflects the alumni´s career at the time. The alumni may have changed career paths since the article was written

What kind of industry is your company/organisation a part of?

Business consulting

Name three things you spend the most time on in your work?

A significant portion of my time is dedicated to consulting on environmental, social, and governance issues relevant to clients. This involves analyzing data, market trends, regulatory frameworks, and emerging best practices related to sustainability and responsible business practices.
Understanding how these factors impact a company's operations is crucial in advising on ESG strategies.
Among others, I assist clients in preparing for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), advice on ESG strategy, and following regulatory developments within ESG closely to ensure best practice.

What is the most important learning in your working life so far?

Being passionate.
To me, that is what makes me excited about my field of work and ensures that I constantly develop my skills and feel confident with my career path.

What motivates you?

Making a difference.
I always wanted to work in sustainability and it highly motivates me to know that the work I do is part of creating a more sustainable and ethical future.

What are your best memories from your time at AAU?

My best memories are definitely from working on projects with my fellow students from the programme.
I really enjoyed the long periods for doing projects in which there was time to both immerse in projects and having fun.

How do you use your degree and competencies from AAU?

Being employed in a global, multicultural company working with ESG enables me to draw on numerous competencies I gained from the programme. As a consultant, I work with many different clients, each with their own culture, problems, and strategies. Having gained an understanding of how internal dynamics function and being able to adapt to the mindset of each client are definitely skills I became knowledged in through the programme.

In addition, doing courses and interning within CSR help me a lot in shaping my career and creating possibilities in my work life aligned with my interests.

What made you choose AAU?

I come from Aarhus and wanted to try living in a new city. Aalborg had an ideal location for that, as the commute to visit friends and familily on the weekends was short. 

What made you choose your specific programme?

The global and cultural aspects of the programme made it for me. Understanding how companies function from a cultural perspective and driving global business were the main reasons for me to choose this programme.

Also, as I knew that I wanted to work in sustainability, having CSR integrated in various courses was the decision-making factor.

With the knowledge and insight you have today, what advice would you give yourself if you were to start studying at AAU?

Focus on your interests and don't worry about the future. I have always tried to shape my career according to my professional interests, but sometimes I was too focused on the next step.

If you focus on your interests and keep doing your best, the rest will follow.

Your best career advice for students and newly graduates?

Be bold.
Having no or little experience in the field you might be interested in should not be a barrier for you to apply for a specific job.
Believe in your abilities.

Fun fact?

I have lived in both Aarhus, Aalborg, and Copenhagen and as a result, new people I meet find my dialect somewhat confusing.

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